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What’s New in Laravel 10

Published about 1 year ago • 3 min read

What’s New in Laravel 10

Laravel 10 is the latest version of the popular PHP framework that was released in February 2023. It comes with several new features and improvements that make web development easier and more enjoyable. In this newsletter, we will highlight some of the most notable changes and additions in Laravel 10.

  • PHP 8.1 support: Laravel 10 fully supports PHP 8.1, which introduces new features such as enums, readonly properties, fibers, and more. Laravel 10 also leverages the native enums feature to provide a more elegant and expressive way of defining custom enum classes. You can use enums to represent various states, types, or options in your application logic.
  • Octane 2.0: Laravel Octane is a high-performance server that allows you to run your Laravel application using Swoole or RoadRunner. Octane 2.0 brings several improvements and enhancements, such as better compatibility with Laravel packages, automatic reloading of modified files, improved error handling, and more. Octane 2.0 also supports running multiple workers per CPU core, which can boost the performance and scalability of your application.
  • Pest integration: Pest is a testing framework that focuses on simplicity and elegance. It offers a minimal and intuitive syntax that makes writing tests a breeze. Laravel 10 integrates Pest as the default testing framework, replacing PHPUnit. You can still use PHPUnit if you prefer, but Pest offers some advantages such as faster execution, better error reporting, and native support for higher-order tests and expectations.
  • Sanctum 3.0: Laravel Sanctum is a package that provides a simple and secure way of authenticating your API and SPA (single-page application) users. Sanctum 3.0 introduces a new feature called device tokens, which allows you to issue long-lived tokens for specific devices or clients. This way, you can have more control and visibility over the devices that access your application. You can also revoke or refresh device tokens as needed.
  • Jetstream 4.0: Laravel Jetstream is a package that provides a starting point for building modern web applications with features such as authentication, team management, profile management, and more. Jetstream 4.0 adds support for two new front-end stacks: React and Vue 3. You can now choose between Livewire, Inertia, React, or Vue 3 as your front-end framework when creating a new Jetstream project.

These are just some of the new features and improvements that Laravel 10 offers. You can learn more about Laravel 10 by visiting the official documentation. Laravel 10 is a major upgrade that will make your web development experience even better.

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